Icon of Our Lady restored at Walsingham’s Catholic Shrine

by | May 2, 2024 | Faith Spaces, Newsfeed

As part of the legacy of developments marking Ninety Years since the Restoration of the National Catholic Shrine of Our Lady, the Icon of the Mother of God of Walsingham has been restored to a high-profile place in the Chapel of Reconciliation.

The Rector of the Shrine recently oversaw the move, mindful that the Icon had been in a high-profile position since the 1980s until shortly before the pandemic, when it was moved elsewhere in the Chapel. Now, the Icon is enthroned upon a newly made stand, so as to give the Icon a renewed sense of honour and dignity.

Meanwhile, the one statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is to be found in the ancient and much-loved Slipper Chapel and can be viewed there in person for both private prayer and petition during the Shrine’s opening hours, or via the Shrine’s livestream outside of Mass and Adoration during the day.

As part of the restored-Shrine’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations, on July 8, 1984, the Icon of the Mother of God of Walsingham, the work of Archimandrite David and Leon Liddament was processed from St Seraphim’s for its presentation to the Shrine. There, it symbolizes, once again, the cherished unity between the Eastern and Western traditions of the Christian Faith.

Each day, at the close of afternoon Benediction, the celebrant moves over to the Icon, where it becomes the focus of prayer for all whilst the Prayer for England is recited and the Marian Anthem proper to the liturgical season is sung.



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